
Alan Garvey


In the beginning was the Word
then came the uttered word
the written word
the printed word
the lying word
word of agreement
word of betrayal
word begging for mercy
word pointing fingers at friends
word howling innocence and corruption
word typed and numbered
word as evidence of duplicity
entered and logged in court records
as received truth which all know
in their hearts is a lie, lie, lie
word repudiating acts of good faith
word sweating under strain
in front of many cameras
word that made no difference
because it remained silent
word that might have been and offered solace
word we have seen and will never forget
word inciting to strike
refusing to be complicit
word illegal when uttered
or written and copied on paper
word of rejection rejecting all
but where the word comes from

Alan Garvey’s third collection of poetry, ‘Terror Háza’, was published by Lapwing (Belfast) in 2009. His work is represented in various magazines and anthologies. He graduated with a MA in Creative Writing; and has read in Toronto and Newfoundland, and worked in Budapest, courtesy of the Irish Arts Council. He has worked as an arts administrator, part-time lecturer and creative writing tutor, and is a contributing editor to ‘The Gloom Cupboard’.

(author retains copyright)
