
Gerardo Mena

Good Pilgrim, I Beseech You

Buckets of flame, handfuls
of tongue, a pocket full of spit
and dagger words.

Good pilgrim, I beseech you.
Do not sleep upon
..your throne of
Be feral.
Climb the
towers of jet and cinder.
Dance at their

Good pilgrim. Oh Pilgrim.
Lay your head upon
the roadside. Drink the levees. Shed your
sinew and let it wash to the spillway.
Rejoice at the coming ash.

I am a decorated Iraqi Freedom Veteran. I spent six years in Special Operations with the Reconnaissance Marines and was awarded a Navy Achievement Medal with a V for Valor for multiple acts of heroism while under enemy fire.

I won the "2010 War Poetry" contest sponsored by Winningwriters and I have poems published or forthcoming in Diagram, The New Mexico Poetry Review, the Nashville Review, the Barely South Review, and War, Literature & the Arts.

(author retains copyright)
