
Brian Thomas

The Chant

It's freedom they rant
And freedom they rave
The american dream they chant
While existing enslaved

Subdued and quite dumb
They're contently confined
Tis freedom, they hum
Within a governed mind!!

Consume they are taught
Conformed they've become
Conducted is their thought
To this hypnotic drum

The american dream they chant
Instructed to desire
Tis freedom they rant
while existing for hire

To borrow they are taught
This american creed
In debt! They are caught
Serving creatures of greed

Laboring each day
For the enslaving scheme
Assigned pittance in pay
For their deceitful dream

Seduced into a trap
Where the greedy pig feed
Opressed are their lives
For the crap they don't need

It's freedom they rant
And freedom they rave
That horseshit american dream they chant
As they march to their grave!!

(author retains copyright)
