
F.I. Goldhaber

Consumer Temple

Welcome to the warehouse, temple

of consumer excess. Fill your carts

with ten-pound boxes of sugar

cereal, hundred-pound bags of flour.

Batteries by the dozens; soap

in ten-gallon jugs too big to lift.

Enough food fills the shelves to feed

a small country, but it parades out

the doors for the SUVs to

swallow while shoppers waddle through the

exit sucking in pizza, ice

cream, and hot dogs too big for their buns.

“Consumer Temple” appears in F.I. Goldhaber's second poetry book, Pairs of Poems published by Uncial Press. F.I. has written professionally for more than a quarter century and has won a number of awards for her fiction and poetry. She has had short stories, novelettes, poems, news stories, feature articles, editorial columns, and reviews published in magazines, e-zines, newspapers, and anthologies as well as two erotica novels published under another name.

(author retains copyright)